A paper prototype of a Game Of Thrones-inspired turn-based strategy game. We started making a digital version of it too, which we hope to finish using photos of the paper pieces as our on-screen pieces.

We'll not even try and explain this image.

Some of the concepts for the Queen/corgi running game. Turned out great.

You can't jam on an empty stomach!

Larkin' About created a live game using iPhones and GPS data, streaming the positions (with a live camera feed!) of two players as the ran around the Northern Quarter trying to photograph each other.

....no comment.

The Salford team discussing the finer points of their game based on the theme of "gardening".

An early version of our eventual "invisible" concept.

These guys came up with a QR-code treasure hunt!

The "gardening" loading screen. Please note, this game isn't really available on Steam. (yet).

The boardgame folks came up with a really fun game, involving a Frankenstein character (that drops to bits) being hunted by player ghosts. Great idea that evolved with lots of playtesting.

Shiny Dave, modelling our lovely jam tshirts. Lobster: model's own.

Salford folks again, this time creating a first-person shooter for the theme ("ducks"). It was an evil idea to give them such a stupid theme, but they rose to the challenge and created an FPS with two weapons: bricks and fire. Outstanding effort.

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