Tuesday 3 April 2012

The Manchester Microbe Map is now a thing!

I finally managed to find a few hours to sort out the Manchester Microbe Map, it turned out pretty nicely:

I'd written most of the code a few months back, but visually it was a little boring. Luckily, at the last meetup I got talking to the very talented Sam Hodges, who just so happens to be a design student. He whipped up a nice design for it, and we managed to get it nailed in a weekend. There's still a lot of data missing, but you get the idea.

For those interested, it's built in Flash (mainly so I can put it out as a desktop app without having to screw around). The data all comes in from a laboriously put together XML document, as we had to piece the results together by hand from all the teams (I'm not kidding around!). The actual microbe shots are hosted on Flickr, which completely made my day by already providing ready-made 150x150 thumbnails that I can access via the API. Handy.

We need to finish putting the data in, neaten it up, and hopefully it'll be on some sort of screen/installation at FutureEverything. We've also had some VERY exciting news on another possible use for it that's cropped up, but it's a secret for now.

Anyway, check the map out here.

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